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AWS Setup

Setting your AWS environment

We currently only have a local instance of gatekeeper running, if you wanted to use it with your AWS Environment some setup needs to be done.

  1. Ensure that your EC2 instances all install (and run) the AWS SSM agent
    • without the SSM agent running gatekeeper cannot create/delete temp users
  2. Stage SSM docs to create/delete users for Linux/Windows (more details below)
  3. Set up IAM roles for gatekeeper
    • an IAM role that the gatekeeper app runs with
      • this account needs to be able to assume to the cross-account gatekeeper role
    • a "cross-account" IAM role that gatekeeper assumes to perform AWS tasks
      • this needs to allow the gatekeeper role to assume this IAM role
      • this needs to be set up on every account Gatekeeper will support
      • below is the priveliges the cross account IAM role for gatekeeper should have:
                    "Version": "2012-10-17",
                    "Statement": [
                            "Sid": "Update",
                            "Effect": "Allow",
                            "Action": [
                            "Resource": [
                            "Effect": "Allow",
                            "Action": [
                            "Resource": [
  4. for RDS databases a gatekeeper account needs to be set up on every RDS instance you intend to use Gatekeeper with


Gatekeeper requires some configuration for it to run in your environment, see below for all of the supported configuration parameters


These parameters are used by both the EC2 and RDS Gatekeeeper services


Currently Gatekeeper only supports authorization through LDAP, the application expects authentication to be done via SSO, and looks for the username in a header.

Property Description Type
gatekeeper.auth.userIdHeader The header in which gatekeeper looks to extract the authenticated user string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.isActiveDirectory Whether your LDAP server is Microsoft Active Directory or not (Nested groups are not supported with Non-Active Directory LDAP servers) boolean
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.objectClass The Object class to look for users with (ex. posixAccount, person, user) string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.usersBase The base in which the Users are stored on the LDAP Server (e.g. ou=Users,dc=example,dc=org) string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.userDn The DN for the user that gatekeeper connects as to query ldap (e.g. cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org ) string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.userPassword The password to the ldap user string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.server The domain of the LDAP server that gatekeeper should connect to string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.base The base that LDAP calls will be made off of (e.g. dc=example,dc=org) string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.usersCnAttribute The cn string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.usersIdAttribute The uid string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.usersNameAttribute The name string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.usersEmailAttribute The email string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.usersDnAttribute The dn string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.pattern A regular expression that is used to extract group names from the LDAP results. The regular expression must have exactly one capture ( e.g developer_([A-Za-z0-9]+)_dev) pattern string
gatekeeper.auth.ldap.groupsBase The base where your groups are stored on your organization's LDAP server (e.g. ou=groups) string


Property Description Type
gatekeeper.accountInfoEndpoint The Endpoint gatekeeper calls to fetch the account data for all of your aws accounts string
gatekeeper.accountInfoUri The URI where gatekeeper can call your account Info service. (Defaults to "accounts") string (Optional) The Proxy Host. If you are not behind a proxy you can ignore this string (Optional) The Proxy Port. If you are not behind a proxy you can ignore this integer The AWS IAM role that Gatekeeper will assume to interact with AWS (e.g. Xacnt_APP_GATEKEEPER) string


Gatekeeper primarily communicates out temporary credentials via email, these are the properties gatekeeper requires for email

Property Description Type The host of your mail server string The port that it runs on integer The name of the Sender for Gatekeeper emails. string The team that will be maintaining gatekeeper on your environment. string The email address for the group who will be handling approvals string The email address for gatekeeper to reach out to the Ops team string


Property Description Type
gatekeeper.db.url The Postgres Database URL to connect to String
gatekeeper.db.port The Port of the database integer
gatekeeper.db.database The name of the database string
gatekeeper.db.ssl Whether to enable SSL or not boolean
gatekeeper.db.sslMode The SSL mode to use string
gatekeeper.db.sslCert The SSL certificate location to use ( we provide the RDS cert in the container ) string
gatekeeper.db.user The DB user to log in as string
gatekeeper.db.password The DB user password string


These configurations are specific to Gatekeeper EC2


Property Description Type
gatekeeper.db.schema The schema in which gatekeeper operates its tables gatekeeper_ec2


Property Description Type
gatekeeper.auth.approverGroup The LDAP group containing the gatekeeper approvers string
gatekeeper.auth.supportGroup The LDAP group containing the gatekeeper support staff string


You will set these once for each environment you have in your company

Here's an example (taken from config/ec2_service_config.env)

This tells Gatekeeper the following: 1. For a developer role the maximum hours the user can request is: - <= 45 for dev environment - <= 44 for qa environment - approval is always required for prod - <= 4 for test 2. For a support role the maximum hours the user can request without requiring approval is: - <= 42 hours for dev environment - <= 41 for qa environment - <= 2 for prod environment - <= 5 for test environment

Property Description Type The approval threshold for a given environment for the dev role integer The approval threshold for a given environment for the support role integer