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Local Setup

Local Setup

We are initally providing a local run of the gatekeeper application, in the coming months we will provide more details on getting the Gatekeeper Application deployed into AWS.


Gatekeeper requires the following tools to be installed and on your $PATH variable:

  1. Java 8+
  2. Maven 3+
  3. NPM 3+
  4. Docker

Mac + Linux environments (1-Command Setup)

Currently we provide a shell script that builds all of the app code / containers that comprise Gatekeeper. Currently we only support this for Linux and Mac environments. All you have to do is provide the following environment variables

  1. AWS_DIRECTORY: the location on your computer with your AWS Credentials usually it's /.aws
  2. http_proxy: if behind a corporate proxy set the proxy to this variable. (defaults to blank if not provided)

Once you have these set, simply run and the script will build all the gatekeeper code/containers + bring up gatekeeper locally.

Hit gatekeeper at the following locations to see the different User/Roles in action:

https://localhost:443 => Regular User

https://localhost:444 => Ops/Support User

https://localhost:445 => Approver

Windows 10 users

If you're a windows 10 user we don't have a script for you unfortunately, but that doesn't mean you can't run gatekeeper locally.

Make sure you have the following environment variables set:

  1. AWS_DIRECTORY: the location on your computer with your AWS Credentials usually it's /.aws
  2. http_proxy: if behind a corporate proxy set the proxy to this variable. you need to set it to blank if not provided

Run the following commands:

#cd to containers folder and build the base containers
docker-compose build
#cd to demo-services and build the fake-account-service
mvn clean install
#cd to services directory and build the gatekeeper backend services
mvn clean install
#cd to the ui directory and build the gatekeeper UI code
npm run win-build
#cd to the main directory and build the gatekeeper containers
docker-compose -f local-docker-compose.yml build
#bring the gatekeeper up with the following command
docker-compose -f local-docker-compose.yml up
Hit gatekeeper at the following locations to see the different User/Roles in action:

https://localhost:443 => Regular User

https://localhost:444 => Ops/Support User

https://localhost:445 => Approver