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RBAC, Authorizations and Security in MDL

Role-based access control (RBAC) in Herd is managed in the following two ways:

  1. LDAP based auth-groups: Leverages a delegation model whereby Herd is provided information via the HTTP header on the identity of the user and the access groups they are part of. Users are assigned auth-groups as part of the authentication process and Herd maps auth-groups to REST end points to provide RBAC.

  2. Namespace-based permissions: A more granular security model where operations are authorized at the Namespace level. All access to data in Herd is controlled by the calling user's authorization to data in that Namespace. This authorization mapping in maintained in Herd and is readable/modifiable via CRUD end-points.


There are 4 auth groups created in the MDL stack's OpenLDAP instance, all of these are mapped to REST end-points with the 'role(s)' they are assigned in the Herd DataBase and the app performs a look-up when authorizing a user based off of these roles.

Auth Group Members Authorizations in Herd
APP_MDL_ACL_RO_herd_admin admin_user Read/Write/Admin Services
APP_MDL_ACL_RO_mdl_rw mdl_user Read/Write Services
APP_MDL_ACL_RO_sec_market_data_rw sec_user Read/Write Services
APP_MDL_ACL_RO_herd_ro ro_user Read Services

Users and authorizations

There are 5 users which get created in your MDL stack for RBAC demonstration purposes - the table below lists each of those users and their respective authorizations. Please note that Users can be added/deleted/modified by using the script as descibed in the manage OpenLdap section.

User Id Authorizations in Herd Authorizations in BDSQL SSM Parameter* name for Password
admin_user Read/Write/Admin Services
All Namespaces
All data schemas
Read/Write own user schema
mdl_user Read/Write Services
MDL Namespace
Read MDL schema
Read/Write own user schema
sec_user Read/Write Services
All Namespaces
Read/Write own user schema
ro_user Read/Write Services
All Namespaces
Read MDL schema
Read/Write own user schema
basic_user Read open REST services
No Namespaces
Not authorized to use BDSQL {ssm-prefix}/HerdBasicUserPassword

*replace {ssm-prefix} in the password param-names with /app/MDL/${MDLInstanceName}/${Environment}/LDAP/Password

HERD - a unified access-control provider

HERD provides centralized access-control on data at the namespace level across the MDL ecosystem. All access to data in Herd is controlled by the calling user's authorization to data in that Namespace, this applies to all access points across MDL: HERD REST APIs, HERD-UI and BDSQL.

Namespace level permissions in HERD

  • A user may be granted permissions to READ, WRITE, EXECUTE, or GRANT data in a set of Namespaces.
  • These authorizations restrict access to all operations including: Meta-data services like reading and writing Business Object Definitions, Business Object Formats, and Business Object Data in a given Namespace Other services such as Clusters, Jobs, and Notifications owned by a given Namespace.
  • If not authorized, the services will return an appropriate HTTP error response such as 403 Forbidden.

Namespace level permissions in BDSQL

  • Any user which has READ permissions to a Namespace in HERD translates to them having SELECT privileges on all tables under the corresponding schema for that Namespace in BDSQL.

    Note: Users must have READ permissions to a Namespace to be granted SELECT privilege in BDSQL, there is no implicit permission-mapping.

  • SELECT privileges are granted/revoked automatically in BDSQL when the corresponding namespace-permission is modified in HERD, this normally takes only a couple of minutes.

  • Any namespace which has global-read in HERD results in all users having SELECT privilege to its corresponding schema (and all tables) in BDSQL.