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AWS Setup

In this section, we will cover the setup that is required in the AWS accounts.

Source Account setup

Step 1 : Export AWS credentials

Export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY from source account and run in a terminal

Step 2 : Create KMS Key

This step creates a customer managed kms key and sets the cross account policies. The parameters passed are exported into environment variables. Replace the SOURCE_ACCOUNT_ID and STAGING_ACCOUNT_ID in below command to Source and Staging AWS account numbers.

Option Env Variable Description Example
-l LAMBDA_ROLE_NAME Name of lambda execution role in staging account LAMBDA_MASKOPY
-r AWS_REGION AWS region us-east-1
-s SOURCE_ACCOUNT_ID AWS Source Account Number 123456789011
-t STAGING_ACCOUNT_ID AWS Staging Account Number 123456789012

Staging Account setup

Step 1 : Export AWS credentials

Export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY from staging account and run in a terminal.

Step 2 : Create Security Groups

This script creates a cloudformation stack named "MASKOPY-security-group" with the json template in sg-cf.json. The stack creates 2 SGs named MASKOPY-app and MASKOPY-db with inbound and outbound rules as mentioned in sg-cf.json.

./deploy/security_groups/ -i -r <AWS_REGION> -v <STAGING-VPC-ID>
Option Env Variable Description Example
-i CIDR_RANGE The lambdas assume source account role by getting temporary credentials from AWS sts. This cidr range is added to the outbound rules to establish sts connection.
-r AWS_REGION AWS region us-east-1
-v VPC_ID AWS Staging VPC ID vpc-123456

Step 3 : Create an ECR repository, build and push common image.

This script creates an ECR repo named 'maskopy'. This repo hosts the image used by fargate task that obfuscates the data.

./deploy/ecr/ -r <AWS_REGION>

This will build a docker image with postgresql and basic tools.

./docker/postgres/ -a <STAGING_ACCOUNT_ID> -r <AWS_REGION>

Pushing the image built in above step to ECR.

./docker/postgres/ -a <STAGING_ACCOUNT_ID> -r <AWS_REGION>

Step 4 : Create an sqs queue.

This queue is used by the Step Function to publish results of either success or failure. Once the message is posted in the queue, there can be custom implementations to email the results of the execution. Alternative implementations can publish the messages to SNS.

./deploy/sqs/ -n <SQS_QUEUE_NAME> -r <AWS_REGION>

Maskopy Deployment

This step builds and deploys the lambda functions and Step function to the staging environment.

Step 1 : Export AWS credentials.

Export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY from staging account and run in a terminal.

Step 2 : Export environment variables.

Export the following environment variables into the shell. Refer to the description and examples of all the variables in the table below.

    export AWS_REGION="<AWS_REGION>"
    export CROSS_ACCOUNT_ROLE="arn:aws:iam::<SOURCE_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/Xacnt_APP_MASKOPY"
    export ORIGINAL_KMS_KEY="arn:aws:kms:<AWS_REGION>:<STAGING_ACCOUNT_ID>:key/key_uuid"
    export SQS_NAME="<SQS_QUEUE_NAME>"
    export STAGING_KEY="arn:aws:kms:<AWS_REGION>:<STAGING_ACCOUNT_ID>:alias/aws/rds"

Env Variable Description Example
AWS_REGION aws region us-east-1
CROSS_ACCOUNT_ROLE Arn of cross account role in source account. The lambdas will be assuming this role to perform actions in Source Account. This role is passed to multiple lambda functions as an env variable. arn:aws:iam::123456789011:role/Xacnt_APP_MASKOPY
COST_CENTER All the lambda functions are tagged with "Cost Center" for billing purposes abc123
DESTINATION_ACCOUNT_ID 12 digit AWS account id where the final snapshot will be copied to. 123456789012
FARGATE_SECURITY_GROUP Security group associated to the fargate task. We have created MASKOPY-app in the above steps. Use SG-id of MASKOPY-app. sg-01234567891234
FARGATE_SUBNET0 Private subnet id in one availability zone to be associated to the fargate task. subnet-01234567891234
FARGATE_SUBNET1 Private subnet id in another availability zone to be associated to the fargate task. subnet-12340123456789
LAMBDA_BUCKET_LOCATION S3 bucket location where lambda code is zipped and staged. my-obfuscation-bucket-name/MASKOPY
LAMBDA_ROLE Role to be associated to the lambda functions. LAMBDA_MASKOPY
LAMBDA_SECURITY_GROUP Security group associated with the lambda functions. sg-01234567891234
LAMBDA_SUBNET_LIST Comma separated private subnet ids associated with the lambda functions. subnet-01234567891234,subnet-12340123456789
ORIGINAL_KMS_KEY Kms key arn in the source account. arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789011:key/00000000-1111-aaaa-bbbb-0123456789012
RDS_SUBNET_GROUP RDS Subnet group name to be associated with the RDS in staging account. maskopy-db-subnet
RDS_SECURITY_GROUP RDS Security group to be associated with RDS in staging account. default
SQS_NAME SQS name to publish results of the execution. maskopy-queue
STAGING_ACCOUNT_ID 12 digit AWS account id of the staging account. 123456789012
STAGING_KEY AWS managed RDS kms key in staging account. arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:alias/aws/rds

Step 3 : Build and deploy lambda functions and step function.

This script builds the lambda functions with python3 using requirements.txt and zips the lambda artifacts. The artifacts are copied to S3 bucket and pulled during lambda execution. The script then deploys the lambdas and step function state machine.

At the end of the deployment, you would see two cloudformation stacks created in the Staging account.

Cloudformation stack name: - MASKOPY-stepfunction - MASKOPY-lambda

Cloudformation Stacks