You can use client properties feature to easily set the driver and browser configurations. When you create a new session by using SessionManager, you can simply pass the path to your client properties file to instantiate your session with the desired configurations:

  ExtWebDriver ewd = SessionManager.getInstance().getNewSession("client", "");

SessionManager will automatically use the appropriate configuration properties to setup your session. There are many different options you can use with client properties. Please refer to the following table for available configurations:

Category Property Name Default Value Description
Browser browser HtmlUnit - IE, Firefox, Chrome, HtmlUnit, Safari
- Available browsers on Sauce Labs (e.g. Android, iPad, iPhone, Opera)
Browser browser.version Version of the browser. Required for IE and optional for other browsers when running locally.

*Required for running on Sauce Labs
Browser browser.init.position.x 0 Horizontal position to set browser location. Useful for debugging tests.
Browser browser.init.position.y 0 Vertical position to set browser location. Useful for debugging tests.
Browser download.folder Default folder to download files from browser
Browser download.time 18000 Maximum browser download time in milliseconds
Browser upload.folder Default folder to get files to upload on browser
Browser proxy HTTP proxy setting (e.g. localhost:8080)
Browser proxyHttps HTTPS proxy setting (e.g. localhost:8080)
Driver appearWaitTime 5000 Maximum time to wait for an element to appear in milliseconds
Driver binaryPath Only required when using Firefox as browser. Path to firefox.exe executable.
Driver debugMode false Turns on debug mode. Highlight will automatically turn on when this is set to true.
Driver firefoxProfile.extension.# Path to the Firefox extension. This will load the extension when the browser session is created. You can set multiple extensions by including "firefoxProfile.extension.1", "firefoxProfile.extension.2", etc. You must use "binaryPath" together to use this property.
Driver firefoxProfile.file Path to the configuration file containing Firefox profile settings. You must use "binaryPath" together to use this property.
Driver firefoxProfile.folder Path to the custom Firefox profile to use. You must use "binaryPath" together to use this property.
Driver highlight false Highlights web elements during execution. Useful for debugging
Driver highlight.FIND rgb(255,255,0) Highlight color for when locating elements. Only works when hightlight is set to true.
Driver highlight.GET rgb(135,206,250) Highlight color when getting value from elements. Only works when hightlight is set to true.
Driver highlight.PUT rgb(152,251,152) Highlight color for setting value on elements. Only works when hightlight is set to true.
Driver maxAllowedSessions Maximum number of sessions which can be created by SessionManager. Leave it empty for unlimited sessions.
Driver maxRequestTimeout 18000 Maximum WebDriver request timeout in milliseconds
Driver numberOfDaysToKeepTempFolders 7 Period of time to keep temporary WebDriver folders created in temp directory
Driver selectLastFrame true Automatically select the last iframe used so that you don't have to explicitly call switch frame everytime.
Driver tempFolderNameContainsList Comma separated list of folders to clean within WebDriver temporary files
Driver Path to IEDriversServer.exe. This is not necessary if you add path to IEDriverServer.exe to your system library path.
Driver Path to chromedriver.exe. This is not necessary if you add path to chromedriver.exe to your library path.
Driver webdriver.doTaskKill true Gracefully kills all the driver server processes at the beginning of execution. Not recommended when running tests in multithreaded mode.
Operating System os Name of the operating system running against such as 'Windows'
Operating System os.version Version of the operating system running against such as '7' for Windows
Selenium Grid grid.platform Windows 7 Operating system to run against on Selenium Grid. Please refer to

*Required for running on Sauce Labs
Selenium Grid record-screenshots=true Space separated properties for running on Selenium Grid. Refer to Selenium Grid properties for supported configurations.
Selenium Grid grid.url URL for the Selenium Grid server.
Sauce Labs Example:

*Required for running on Sauce Labs
Selenium Grid useGrid false Turn on to use Selenium Grid instead of local machine.

*Required for running on Sauce Labs